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Basics of String Theory

12 Apr


  • Let \alpha_0 = 0.5, a common intercept for light mesons.
  • Let \alpha' = 1\ \text{GeV}^{-2}, a typical value for the slope of Regge trajectories.
  • Example: Calculating the Amplitude for Specific s and t. Suppose we want to calculate the amplitude for specific values of s and t to understand the interaction at a certain energy and momentum transfer. Let’s choose:
  • s = 2\ \text{GeV}^2 (total energy squared),
  • t = -1\ \text{GeV}^2 (momentum transfer squared, negative because it’s spacelike).
  • First, calculate the values of \alpha(s) and \alpha(t):
  • \alpha(s) = 0.5 + 1 \cdot 2 = 2.5, \alpha(t) = 0.5 + 1 \cdot (-1) = -0.5.
  • Then, substitute these into the Veneziano amplitude: A(2, -1) = \frac{\Gamma(-2.5)\Gamma(0.5)}{\Gamma(-2)}. Using the Gamma function properties and values (recall that \Gamma(n) = (n-1)! for positive integers, and \Gamma(0.5) = \sqrt{\pi}): A(2, -1) \approx \frac{\Gamma(-2.5)\sqrt{\pi}}{\Gamma(-2)}. The Gamma function for negative non-integer values would typically require numerical computation, but for illustrative purposes, let’s focus on the structure of the calculation rather than the exact numerical result.

String Theory Basics, String Action (Polyakov Action):

Example with a Known Particle:

String Theory Quantization and Mass Spectrum

The plot above illustrates a Regge trajectory, which is a linear relationship between the angular momentum J and the mass squared (s) of particles. This concept is pivotal in understanding the dynamics of hadrons in particle physics. Each point on the trajectory represents a different vibrational state of a string, corresponding to different particles (e.g., mesons, baryons, tetraquarks, pentaquarks) with increasing mass and angular momentum. This visualization encapsulates the essence of how string theory’s vibrational modes relate to the physical properties of particles, echoing the foundational principles laid out by the Veneziano formula and Regge theory.

Medicine: Understanding Genetic Diseases

  • Genomic Sequences as Strings: In bioinformatics, sequences of DNA and RNA can be thought of as strings of nucleotides. Analogous to how string theory considers vibrating strings as fundamental elements that compose particles, genomic sequences can be analyzed using string theory formalisms to understand genetic variations and mutations. This perspective can aid in the development of gene therapies and precision medicine by modeling the interactions between different genetic elements in complex diseases.

Engineering: Design of Meta-materials

  • Vibration and Resonance in Materials: String theory’s focus on vibration and resonance has parallels in the engineering of meta-materials, which are artificial materials engineered to have properties not found in naturally occurring materials. By applying the concepts of vibration modes from string theory, engineers can design meta-materials with unique electromagnetic or acoustic properties, useful in developing cloaking devices, superlenses, and highly efficient energy transmission systems.

Finance: Modeling Market Dynamics

  • Complex Systems and Entanglement: String theory’s treatment of entangled states, where particles remain connected across vast distances, offers a metaphorical framework for understanding complex financial systems where global markets are deeply interconnected. By borrowing mathematical tools from string theory, financial analysts could model market dynamics under the lens of entanglement, potentially offering new insights into how information and trends propagate through global financial networks, affecting asset prices and market stability.

Cross-disciplinary: Network Theory and Machine Learning

  • Topology and Connectivity: The study of Calabi-Yau manifolds and other complex topologies in string theory can inspire new algorithms in network theory and machine learning. Understanding how these shapes encode information about extra dimensions could parallel how information is structured and flows in complex networks, leading to innovative ways to analyze connectivity patterns in social networks, the brain, or the internet.

Quantum Computing

  • Quantum Information Processing: String theory’s exploration of higher-dimensional spaces and quantum gravity might inform the development of quantum computing algorithms by providing insights into the nature of quantum entanglement and coherence. As quantum computing seeks to harness these properties for computing power, insights from string theory could guide the design of more efficient quantum algorithms and error correction methods, with applications ranging from cryptography to drug discovery.
  1. Data Science Applications to String Theory by Fabian Ruehle (2020) discusses how machine learning and data science techniques can be applied to string theory, including example codes. These approaches could potentially be adapted for use in medicine, engineering, and finance .
  2. Nonlocality in String Theory by G. Calcagni and L. Modesto (2013) explores the concept of nonlocality in string theory, which could have implications for understanding complex systems in engineering and finance.
  3. String Field Theory by Harold Erbin provides an introduction to string field theory, which as a field theory, offers a constructive formulation of string theory. This formalism could inspire new computational models in various disciplines.
  4. String Theory and Particle Physics: An Introduction to String Phenomenology by L. Ibáñez and Á. Uranga (2011) focuses on how string theory is connected to the real world of particle physics, providing models of physics beyond the Standard Model. The methodologies discussed could find applications in computational biology and complex systems engineering.
  5. Introduction to String Theory by Samarth Parekh (2022) offers an overview of the basic concepts of string theory, including its implications for quantum field theory, gravitational physics, and the nature of spacetime. These concepts could potentially influence advanced computational techniques in medicine and finance.
  6. Focus Issue on String Cosmology by V. Balasubramanian and P. Moniz (2011) appraises recent applications of string-theoretic and string-inspired ideas to cosmology. The discussion on alternative models and dynamics could inspire novel approaches in data analysis and predictive modeling in finance.

Additional References:

  • The Mandelstam variable s is defined as the square of the total energy in the center-of-mass frame. It reflects the overall energy available for the interaction. In mathematical terms, for particles with four-momenta p1​ and p2​, it’s defined as s=(p1+p2)^2. It gives an indication of the energy level at which the scattering process occurs.
  • The Mandelstam variable t, on the other hand, represents the square of the momentum transfer between the incoming and outgoing particles. It’s defined as t=(p1-p3)^2, where p3​ is the four-momentum of one of the outgoing particles. This variable measures how much the direction of motion of the particles has changed due to the scattering process.

The Palatini Formalism and The Ashtekar Variables – An Engineered Approach

26 Jan

Two significant people in the fascinating topic of mathematical physics are Abhay Ashtekar and Attilio Palatini. The dynamics of general relativity were subtly revised in the early 20th century by the Italian scientist Attilio Palatini. Many years later, the Indian theoretical physicist Abhay Ashtekar cleared a route for revolution in the field of quantum gravity by introducing additional variables that improved the tractability of the quantum description of gravity. The fundamental concepts in deciphering the innermost workings of the universe are the Palatini Formalism and the Ashtekar Variables. Scholars understand their great significance, but we hope to shed light on these complex subjects for hobbyists, engineers, and aspiring physicists. The following sources are must-read for anyone interested in learning more about these curious topics:

  1. Rovelli, C. (2004). Quantum Gravity. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Thiemann, T. (2007). Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Ashtekar, A., & Lewandowski, J. (2004). Background independent quantum gravity: A status report. Classical and Quantum Gravity.
  4. Palatini, A. (1919). Deduzione invariantiva delle equazioni gravitazionali dal principio di Hamilton. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo.
  5. Pullin, J., & Gambini, R. (2011). A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity. Oxford University Press.

Join us as we try to uncover some of the secrets hidden behind these mathematical marvels, offering a unique viewpoint that helps us to better understand the intricate details of the universe.

The Palatini approach offers a different take on the Einstein-Hilbert action, reformulating it in terms of a connection and a frame field rather than the metric. This differentiation allows for a different means of variation, which leads to first-order field equations rather than the second-order ones derived from the Einstein-Hilbert action.

In the standard formulation of general relativity, the action is described in terms of the metric g_{\mu\nu}. The Einstein-Hilbert action is given by:
\displaystyle S_{EH} = \int d^4x \sqrt{-g} R
where $R$ is the Ricci scalar and $\sqrt{-g}$ is the square root of the determinant of the metric tensor.

In the Palatini formulation, the action is written as a function of a connection \Gamma^\lambda_{\mu\nu} and a “frame field” or “tetrad” e^a_\mu. The action is expressed as:
S_{Palatini} = \int d^4x \sqrt{-\text{det}(e)} R(e, \Gamma)
Here, R(e, \Gamma) is the Ricci scalar but now expressed in terms of the connection and the tetrad, and \sqrt{-\text{det}(e)} is the square root of the determinant of the tetrad.

Fig. 1 – Fibre Visualisation in Space. This image, which was produced with the Deep Image Generator, shows a complicated web of fibres with recursive patterns and fractal geometry. The generator simulates the complex and multidimensional nature of fibre structures in a spatial environment by using algorithmic techniques based on differential geometry and topology optimisation. The graphic displays the complex weaving and bundling that characterise fibrous networks, emphasising the interaction between linear and nonlinear components.

Here, the Ricci scalar R(e,\Gamma) in the Palatini formulation is a function of both the tetrad (or frame field) e^a_{\mu} and the connection \Gamma^{\lambda}_{\mu\nu}. The actual functional form can be a bit involved, but we can summarize it as:

Define the curvature tensor using the connection:

When varying the action with respect to \Gamma^{\lambda}_{\mu\nu}, we enforce the condition that the connection is metric-compatible, meaning it preserves the metric under parallel transport. This yields the usual Levi-Civita connection (Christoffel symbols) in terms of the metric defined by the tetrad. On the other hand, varying with respect to e^a_{\mu} yields Einstein’s field equations with the energy-momentum tensor on the right side.

Varying with respect to the connection \Gamma^{\lambda}{\mu\nu} gives:

\frac{\delta S{\text{Palatini}}}{\delta \Gamma^{\lambda}_{\mu\nu}} = 0
This equation yields the connection as the Levi-Civita connection (in terms of the metric).

Varying with respect to the tetrad $e^a_\mu$ gives:
\frac{\delta S_{\text{Palatini}}}{\delta e^a_\mu} = 0.
This equation produces Einstein’s field equations.

The critical distinction is that in the Palatini formalism, the connection and the metric (or tetrad) are treated as independent variables, whereas in the standard Einstein-Hilbert action, the connection is derived solely from the metric, making them dependent on one another.

The Palatini formalism, as mentioned before, is an approach to deriving the field equations of general relativity by treating the metric (or tetrad) and the connection as independent variables, rather than the more traditional approach where the connection (Christoffel symbols) is derived from the metric.

Consider the Palatini formalism, where the metric and the connection are treated as independent entities. This separation of structures can remind us of the principle of least action, where dynamics are derived from an action principle. Let’s try to take inspiration from this in the context of electromagnetism.

Example: A Palatini-inspired Approach to Electromagnetism

Suppose we’re looking to derive the equations of electromagnetism using a variational principle, but instead of the standard action, we’ll treat the electric and magnetic fields, (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}), as separate independent entities rather than derivatives of a potential. This is a bit contrived and is more of a pedagogical exercise than a real physics one, but it serves as an illustrative example. The steps to be done are:

Construct an Action: We could build an action, (S), that’s a functional of (\vec{E}), (\vec{B}), and other required potentials. For the sake of this example, suppose:
S[\vec{E},\vec{B}] = \int d^3 x dt \left( \vec{E} \cdot \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t} + \vec{B} \cdot (\nabla \times \vec{A}) - \frac{1}{2} (\vec{E}^2 + \vec{B}^2) \right)
where (\vec{A}) is the vector potential.

Variation with Respect to Fields: By treating (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}) as independent (akin to treating metric and connection as independent in the Palatini formalism), we would derive equations of motion for (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}) by varying the action with respect to them.

Derive Equations: By performing the variations, one would obtain equations linking the fields (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}) to the potentials and currents, similar to Maxwell’s equations.

This is merely an illustration of an alternative approach that we could use to derive Maxwell’s equations, but it also shows how a Palatini-like strategy (considering normally dependent quantities as independent) can be used in contexts other than general relativity. This is a different approach to the problem and would help students better comprehend variational principles and the Palatini method, but it wouldn’t necessarily offer any new insights about electromagnetism.

When it comes to handling the complexity of gravity, particularly when integrating it with quantum physics, methods like the Palatini or Ashtekar formalism truly dazzle. Applying them to easier situations is similar to trying to crack a nut with a sledgehammer; it’s feasible but it’s not always the most effective or insightful approach.

To obtain equations like Maxwell’s equations, we will step through a variant of the hypothetical action. Be aware that this is an unconventional method for teaching; the goal is not to learn new things about electromagnetism, but to illustrate the technique.

Let’s start with the action:
S[E,B] = \int d^3 x dt \left( \vec{E} \cdot \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t} + \vec{B} \cdot (\nabla \times \vec{A}) - \frac{1}{2} (\vec{E}^2 + \vec{B}^2) \right)

Variation with respect to (\vec{E}):
The variation of the action with respect to (\vec{E}) is:
\frac{\delta S}{\delta \vec{E}} = \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t} - \vec{E}
Setting this to zero gives:
\vec{E} = \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t}
which is consistent with the usual relation between the electric field and the vector potential.

Variation with respect to (\vec{B}):
The variation of the action with respect to (\vec{B}) is:
\frac{\delta S}{\delta \vec{B}} = \nabla \times \vec{A} - \vec{B}
Setting this to zero gives:
\vec{B} = \nabla \times \vec{A}.
This is the standard relation between the magnetic field and the vector potential.

To complete the analogy with Maxwell’s equations, we would also have to include the scalar potential (\phi) and introduce sources (charge and current densities) to the action. That would provide us with equations relating the divergence of (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}) to the charge density and showing that the divergence of (\vec{B}) is zero.

While our contrived action correctly reproduces two of Maxwell’s equations when varied with respect to (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}), it is important to remember that in actual electromagnetism, (\vec{E}) and (\vec{B}) are derived from potentials and are not independent entities. The true action for electromagnetism involves the electromagnetic field tensor and its dual, from which all of Maxwell’s equations can be derived.

This exercise was mainly to show the use of the Palatini-style approach in a simpler context and to see how variational principles work.

Finite Differences vs Finite Volumes: An Introduction with the example of the Plasma Plume Continuity Simulation

16 Oct


In the complex subject of plasma propulsion, understanding the behavior of ejected plasma plumes is paramount. These plumes, consisting of swift-moving ions and electrons, present complex interactions, especially when they encounter external magnetic fields. Such complexities necessitate the use of computational models that can accurately depict the electron density profiles. One commonly adopted approach is the Finite Difference (FD) method, which, while straightforward, may sometimes falter in representing these profiles accurately, especially on coarser grids. On the other hand, the Finite Volumes (FV) method, with its robust focus on conservation, offers an alternative that promises greater accuracy. This article delves into these methods, comparing their effectiveness and illustrating their application with a 1D electron density profile.

In computational physics, the choice of numerical method can make all the difference. This article delves into the comparison between Finite Differences (FD) and Finite Volumes (FV) methods, exploring their application to the continuity of plasma plumes.

The Context: Plasma Plumes in Space Propulsion

Electric thrusters for space propulsion eject plasma plumes — clouds of ions and electrons moving at hypersonic speeds. These plumes can interact with external magnetic fields, complicating their behavior. Formally, if n is our electron density, it satisfies the continuity equation: ∂n/∂t+∇⋅(nv)=0 where v is the velocity field.

Finite Differences (FD) Method:

FD discretizes differential equations by approximating derivatives using differences. For instance, the first derivative can be represented as df​/dx≈(f(x+h)−f(x))/h​​ When applied to our continuity equation on a grid, FD might lead to errors, especially if ℎ (the grid spacing) is not sufficiently small.

Example: Consider a 1D electron density profile given by: n(x)=sin(x) When we use a coarse grid, the FD method might misrepresent the profile, leading to inaccuracies in the simulation.

Finite Volumes (FV) Method:

FV focuses on conservation. The domain is divided into small volumes, and the equation is integrated over each volume. Our continuity equation becomes: ∫_V ​∂n/∂t ​dV+∮_S nvdS=0 Here, V is the control volume and S its boundary. FV ensures that whatever enters or leaves a volume is conserved, offering better accuracy for phenomena like plasma plumes.

Example: Revisiting our 1D electron density n(x)=sin(x) the FV method, even with a coarse grid, would capture the essence of the density profile without major continuity errors.

Comparison in Plasma Plume Simulation:

While FD’s simplicity is alluring, it can struggle with continuity equations in coarser grids. FV, with its focus on conservation, tends to provide more consistent results, especially when accuracy over larger domains is crucial.


Both FD and FV have their niches, but when it comes to plasma plume continuity, where conservation is paramount, FV often outshines FD. With accurate simulations being pivotal for space propulsion research, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these methods is paramount.

# Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define parameters
L = 10.0  # Length of the domain
nx = 100  # Number of grid points
dx = L/nx  # Grid spacing
dt = 0.01  # Time step
v = 1.0  # Particle velocity
t_end = 0.5  # End time

# Initial condition: Gaussian profile for density
x = np.linspace(0, L, nx)
n0 = np.exp(-((x - L/4)**2) / 2)
n_fd = np.copy(n0)
n_fv = np.copy(n0)

# FD method
for t in np.arange(0, t_end, dt):
    n_fd[:-1] = n_fd[:-1] - v*dt/dx * (n_fd[1:] - n_fd[:-1])

# FV method
for t in np.arange(0, t_end, dt):
    flux = v * 0.5 * (n_fv[1:] + n_fv[:-1])
    n_fv[1:-1] += (flux[:-1] - flux[1:]) * dt/dx

# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(x, n0, label="Initial")
plt.plot(x, n_fd, label="Finite Difference")
plt.plot(x, n_fv, label="Finite Volume")
plt.title("Evolution of Plasma Plume Density")
plt.ylabel("Density, n")